StartUp Europe Smart Agrifood Summit

Agrovoltaic. Photovoltaic and cultivation in the same space

Agrovoltaics is gaining ground in several northern European countries and has just arrived in Spain. It makes it possible to increase the efficiency of available surfaces, with a perfect symbiosis between cultivation and self-production of energy. There are ways to make cultivation and a photovoltaic self-consumption system compatible in the same square metres, allowing us to save on our farm's energy bill, the key in many cases lies in the efficiency of the available space. The evolution of photovoltaic systems, together with higher and lighter structures, allow machinery to work on the surface normally. The future photovoltaic pilot project on super-intensive olive groves in El Valenciano Innovation Hub will be presented.

Moderate: Fernando Olalquiaga. Patent examiner at Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM)

  • Manuel Barrera. CEO of Agroener
  • José Luis de las Cuevas. General Director of Ingeniería y Control Remoto (ICR)
  • Fran Gálvez. CMO of Balam Agriculture. Promoter of El Valenciano Rural Innovation Hub
  • Antonio García. Director of Zona Sur Power Electronics
  • Juan Antonio Vila Herrero. Sales Department at Master Battery